Ton-Tijn Hulleman,  CEO Flash Pathology
Ton-Tijn Hulleman,  CEO Flash Pathology

Ton-Tijn Hulleman, MSc RC


Worked in broad management roles in international life science companies (AngioDynamics, Atricure, Medical Export Group, Cassini Technologies, Aetherus) and driven to improve patients' health and wellbeing.

"I believe Flash Pathology will make a pivotal impact on the diagnostic workflow by vastly increasing the analytic capacity of pathology laboratories as well as sharply decrease the time between biopsy and treatment"

Frank van Mourik, CTO Flash Pathology
Frank van Mourik, CTO Flash Pathology

Dr Frank van Mourik


Worked on the development and application of ultrafast spectroscopic techniques and instrumentation for the study of biomolecules, at the EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland from 2000 to 2016. Started his own company FemtoDiagnostics in 2016 to exploit his vast knowledge and experience in the instrumentation and techniques of non-linear optics. FemtoDiagnostics was integrated in Flash Pathology in 2021.

Prof. Dr M.L. Groot

Scientific advisor

Marloes Groot is professor in Biophotonics and Medical Imaging at the department of Physics/LaserLab of the Faculty of Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Her research formed the basis for the start of Flash Pathology BV.

Sjoerd Kok, Junior Developer Flash Pathology
Sjoerd Kok, Junior Developer Flash Pathology

Sjoerd Kok, MSc


Studied Biomedical Technology in Amsterdam to combine his affinity with biology, mathematics, chemistry and physics and the societal impact of health care. Joined the Flash Pathology after a very successful internship with the company and is applying his knowledge, perseverance and curiosity to continuously improve Flash Pathology's technology and products.

Pedro M. Rodriguez Schaap (MD)

Clinical expert

Graduated in 2021 as a medical doctor and has since worked as a junior surgical resident (ANIOS) while also pursuing a PhD. His research focuses on the optimal surgical treatment of patients with thyroid cancer. In collaboration with FlashPathology, he is dedicated to clinical studies with the HHG microscope to advance surgical practices and explore innovative technologies to improve patient care.

Dr Danial Mohajery COMING SOON!!!

Software Developer